Incorporate more plants, attract more pollinators, and reduce maintenance. We can help you implement eco-friendly ideals into your landscape in practical and attainable ways.
Our landscape designs can be as simple as a concept plan with a plant list to implement on your own — or a detailed drawing with a clear planting plan. Landscape designs focus on the site’s use, flow, and living elements. All designs have a heavy emphasis on plant functionality.
Some clients are passionately involved with their landscapes and just need a little advice about plant choices (more natives!) or how to deal with a problem area. We are happy to come in and consult. We love to talk about plants and how to improve a site with plant choices and practices.
While larger sites aren’t usually “urban,” we get really excited about clients who want to make ecologically responsible decisions for their multi-acre property. Using restoration horticulture practices, we can help you amplify your existing ecozones, modify or use the water flow of your site, increase biodiversity, and determine how best to reduce invasive pressure.